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Beijing Corporate business scope Change Service

Update Date:2015-11-16 16:26:08 Source:BeiJing Tannet Views:2009

Beijing Corporate business scope Change Service

Business scope refers to the state allows the corporate production and operation of product category, variety and service projects, reflect the content of the business activities of enterprise legal person and the production and business operation direction, is the enterprise legal person legal boundaries of the scope of business activities, enterprise reflects the core content of legal capacity for civil rights and capacity.

The foreign capital enterprise business scope change process
1, business bureau alteration formalities for examination and approval;
2, industrial and commercial bureau alteration formalities;
3, technical supervision alteration formalities;
4, the revenue change procedures;
5, financial statistics alteration formalities;
6, the state administration of foreign exchange alteration formalities;
7, import and export right alteration (business bureau, customs, inspection and quarantine bureau, safe,

Pre-approval of foreign business scope
New business projects involving the advance license, shall be submitted to the relevant approval documents of the verifying department; Need to be dealt with in advance of advance license program, please refer to the catalog of enterprise registration in Beijing advance license:
1, selling food, need to be dealt with to health food circulation permit;
2, the customs clearance agent business, need to go to the general administration of customs to handle the customs declaration registration;
3, selling drugs and medical devices, need to be dealt with to food and drug sales business licenses;
4, travel agencies, need to go to the city tourism bureau to deal with pre-approval;
5, publishing business, need to go to the city press and publication for registration certificate;
6, transport business, need to be approved by the ministry of communications;
7, the insurance business, need to approved by the China insurance supervision commission.

A foreign-capital enterprise change (increase or decrease) range of time
Enterprise changes the scope of business shall make more change resolution or decision within 30 days from the date of to the enterprise registration authority to apply for registration of change. Involving the licensed business projects, it shall, within 30 days from the date of examination and approval authorities for approval by the approval documents and certificates to the enterprise registration authority for registration of change.

Contact Us:
Beijing Tel: 86-13717945838
Address: Rm1902, Bldg 17, Jianwai SOHO West, No. 39 Dongsanhuan Rd, Chaoyang Dist., Beijing, China.

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